good morning..lately iam so bz with my work..no time to update this blog..for sure...a lot of hapenning stuff last weekend..on last sunday..i hang out around banting..where i spent time watching people at Morib Beach and Kelanang beach...love to watch people...and the most happy is he3...u know who she is..he3...before that day...on the other weeks...me watching Sorceres Apprentice..nice ha..Disney movie..he3..coming soon its Ramadhan already...fuhh...the month which tghere will be alot of staff will curik tulang..he3..including me..he3...oppsss...bocor rahsia...auuummm...ha3...
he3...i thinks...no matter what happend in ur life..if u happy with it..its fine..he3...life is easy..and its easy when there is love..he3...love love love..gediks gler~ he3..

beautiful with colors...=)
huwaaa...nantok sey...gler whoa...this week i was assign to follow UG team...where this team is assign for those whoa is otai already..ha3...its crazy when ur are in the underground hle..he3..lumpur whoa!!!! like rambo scene down there..ha3...
ok2..this month is musim durian...last nite my momm bought D24 durian..dem...been cheated whoa..a lot of the durian is berulat..wtf...expensive but not worth it..huh!!
does anyone know how to buy a good durian so what we pay is valuable stuff...no shits...huh!!! iam pity my mom really want to taste the durian...ok..after working hour today..i will bought her D24 durians...and ia also bring the bekas so the toukey wont cheat me..ha3...i will ask them to open the durians and put it into the bekas..he3...thats way...no cheating!!! he3..
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