hai..today i would like to story about my experience in attending certain interview..what i wrote below is a skrip from my self that i always used in my interview session..make sure when u talks with the interviewer..plz keep eyes contact with them..dont ever look to others places..and sit properly "tegak"..example like "pembaca berita"..ok..here my dialog >>
start //good morning..my name is shahril azwan bin abdul shukor..i was born on 31st january 1985..now iam 25years old..currently i lived with my family at kajang..my father name is abdul shukor bin md atan,he already pencen now..my mothers name is salmiah kasim and she works as a nurse at hospital serdang...my sister name is shairatul azlin and she works as a counselor at SMAP Kajang..and my youngest brother is shahril akmal and still study at uitm Jengka.
i finish my spm at sekolah menengah teknik selangor sg buloh at 2002..after i finish my spm..i work as a cashier at KFC Kajang from dec 2002 to dec 2003..at the end of 2003..i got offer to futher my study at polytechnic shah alam..i study there for 2 years..for certificate in electrical and electronic engineering...during third semester there..i doing my industrial training at TNB for 6 months as a trainee technician..during my industrial training..ii learn about power system in substation..
after i finish my study at polytechnic..i got offer to futher my study at UTM KL for diploma in electronic engineering..i study there for 3 years..during the fifth semester..there is a long semester break..i spend my time work as a ast.technician at Kenseisha sdn.bhd..i works there for 3 months...then i continue my last semester and i grad for my Diploma on August 2009..
iam confident about my self..iam a hardworking person..and iam the most suitable candidate for this post..why i choose to be a part of this company is because i love the relationships among the staff and i can see bright future with this company..thank you..*end with smile =)// end
so this is how i attend my previous interview..and using this word..i manage to get job offer for certain big company..hope u guys try it..but make sure changed it more about ur self oke..peace..=)
p/s >> be confident,dress properly..wear ties for guys..and wear black shoes..make sure to iron ur clothes..wear a clothes that can give more confident in ur self..and study a little bit about the company u attend for the interview..trust me....its helps..=)