25 August 2010

me is masyukkkkk...

ha3...today entry is masyukkk..ngeee..today i check up my bank..wahhh...so shock..this is what we call raya durian runtuh..ngeee...my salry is around 3$$$...weeee....kfc masyukkkk...ha3..thanks..my work seem worth it..alhamdulilah..amin...

majlis berbuka pose bersama staf opis...

iam hepi today lol..ngee..coz i finish my work fast2..ha3..then i drive2 to HSDG and kaco my gegurl..ha3..wow..she do look nice baju kurung ..gler make me cair secair cairnya..huuuu...jap..need to pasang the khemah..ha3..nanti continue in a few second oke.....ngeee...