hai..its been a while me not around..and a lot thing hapenned..a lot changed happened around me..sometimes me seem so complicated and worsing the situation..try my best to came up with idea n the best solution..but its still there nothing change..rite now..me feel kinda down..feel empty..lost..something that u cannot imagine..something that totally out of control..y??i cant answer it..lucky i have someone in my life..that always give me courage and always try the best only for me..thanks Nad..u are everything for me..hope our dream to married and to be together and completed each other will come true..Ma..abg love u so much..um..today i cannot sleep early as usual..i juz bought a simple radio..coz sometimes..song that play by the DJ suit ur self rite??..curently iam listen to KL.fm and the DJ plays Michael Learns To Rock song now..love this song..like i said before..the song really make u away..huu~
what iam going to story here is about me n myself..nothing more than me..tomorrow iam going to TM Menara Rabung and attending interview..hope i got this job eventhought i already have a good job rite now..i juz want to try others work experience..pass a few hour ago..i doing some revision about VTTH network and HSBB network in Malaysia..prepared my self for tomorrow interview..juz a few second ago..i wish nite for my lovely gurl..thats make my heart melt..lov her so much..
ok3..stop jiwang mode..um..last week i bought Yamaha 135LC cash..and its a nice bike to ride..he3..um..this morning..while i having roti canai for breakfast..my lovely mom make some hot tea and she seat beside me..she ask me about what is my future plan..and i told everything to her my plan including geting maried with Nadia Aziz..she advice me take care of her..always treat her like a princess..yes mom..i try my best oke..then she changed the topic ask me about what exactly hapened with my previous relationship..a gurl from Terengganu..pass few month i try to avoid my self from those question by keep myself bz and its seem that time me trap in thats situation..me canot run anymore!!!
its a long explanation..realy2 a long explanation..and my last word is "tiada jodoh antara kami nak wat cmner mak"..can u imagine a guy like me facing those situation..
and alhamdulilah...now she know everything..thanks mom for understanding me..
then after zohor..my moms give me a notes..a notes that she hope me read and take action to pass it to someone..actualy those word is a simple piece of letter full with expression from my mom as a mothers to a son and once a mother to my ex..a letter that she would like me to sent to my ex..sori mom..after read it..i cannot do it mom..its not me to changed her the way first i know her ..iam not the rite person..me juz keep the letter oke..thanks mom for tryimg to helps..its oke mom..i try my best to fix it by my own ways..my ways is SILENT maybe for forever...n never hate coz iam not a hatred person..
for me..pass is pass..what can i do..i have already done the best..alhamdulilah..for what happened..there is hikmah in everything that hapend in my life..rite now.iam having a serious relationship with Nad..eventhought this juz a beginning in my life..its seem its turn well and iam back to the track..thanks for her coz she is "terlalu mengalah" for me..she never ask too much from me..she do really love me by her way..she helps me..give me courage..encourage me to be a better person in my life..spent her whole life with me..shared everything with me..its a matured relationship..i never feel uneasy whenever iam with her..she do respect me as a husband..thanks MA..ABG LOVE U SO MUCH..
with <3
shahril azwan
byk grammar error r wei~
silence is golden.
btw, all da best.
we dont need luck, we have love.
ha3..ye ke cikgu..baik lah lec english aku nie ..ha3..
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