iam not searching for a gf..iam searching for a wife..who going to be my future wife??its still a mystery..but i think i just find one..i do have my own cateria in searching a wife..i dont want SOCIAL GURL and have done something i cant forgive rite in front of me...ish3...what a kind.
um.back to the topic..most important,my future wife is she realy love me for my self..respect me for who iam..never tell lies..good listener..knows well in do and dont in a relationship..my own fate is in my own hand..its not stupid to decide which one we want to choose..n dont ever2 "paksa memaksa" in a relationship...for my next 5years future planed..i hope i have my own family..my own child..good carier n money..n when its raya..me n wify going to fight which kampung we will celebrate n mostly my wife win..hik3..that a nice dream rite..hik3..i realy want to have a serious relationship this year..n will not hold it without any "ikatan" for long time juz like my past..if i find one..i will make it fast...being a fiance and ready for next stage..amin..something will hapend this july..hope its goes well..nothing wont stop it..fuhh..
ehem..for my family..i think they recognize my wish for this year coz i have totaly changed from before..tomorow my family will go to BANTING..hik3..can u imagine..this real thing hapened now dude..wow..ahaks..=)
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