um..what is diferent curang n kene kebas???i do ask my fren..they always said its totaly diferent..but for me...what is the diferent??still cant figure it out la..huk3..simple question but the answer seem difficult for me..
n i there a cop at my dahi said that iam juz clash n heart broke???coz lately a lot of my fren keep ask me about my current relationship..dammed..from where they have those info???do i look like an artist for u??what ever...fokus on my track..planing my future..its seem it goes well now..alhamdulilah..rezeki..=)
p/s listen to wali band song>>aku sakit...

this song shows my true feel..
aku sakit..bila menatap matamu..sadar ku..bhw engkau bukan miliku..aku sakit..bila aku mengagumi mu..sedar ku.. kau x pernah mengagumi ku...mahukah.. bangunkah dr tido panjang ku..sedarkah aku dr mimpi tentang mu..usahlah bila ku berharap padamu..salahkah ku..paksa kau kau mengagumi ku..kau x tau.. perasaan ku..dan ku x mahu..kau tahu...aku sakit jika kau tahu hati ku.. kerana diriku x bererti bg mu..aku sakit bilakah kau sembuhkan aku..x mungkin.. x mungkin sunguh tidak mungkin..
1 comment:
ak pun da jd sakit bce entry ko niyh.
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